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Business Descriptions

We inherited the IT distribution business, which is where it all began for the SoftBank Group, and continue to swiftly generate new business models in response to changes in the market environment.

Business of SB C&S

For corporate clients, we provide product solutions by leveraging advanced technologies, including cloud computing and artificial intelligence, through the largest sales network in the country.

For consumers, we harness our own planning and development capabilities to expand a product lineup that consists of everything from software and mobile accessories to IoT products and services.

Business of SB C&S

Corporate Business
Innovation with Partners

In addition to ICT distribution business, the founding business of the SoftBank Group, we are focusing on AI and Cloud technology. We will facilitate the business of manufacturers and sales partners and will support the introduction of the best ICT products and services for companies.

Outline of Business

Supporting ICT distribution with a wide range of products and many years of experience.

  • 13,000 Sales Partners at 43,000 nationwide locations
  • Selling products from 4,000 manufacturers
  • Selling 400,000 items
  • 13,000 Sales Partners at 43,000 nationwide locations
  • Selling products from 4,000 manufacturers
  • Selling 400,000 items
Business Segments
ICT merchandise

ICT merchandise

We support all ICT-related products and services, including PC and server products, virtualization, security, and network solutions.

ICT merchandise

We support all ICT-related products and services, including PC and server products, virtualization, security, and network solutions.



Utilizing SoftBank Group’s network and communication infrastructure, we are developing cloud platforms and various other cloud services.


Utilizing SoftBank Group’s network and communication infrastructure, we are developing cloud platforms and various other cloud services.



We promote various solutions, such as the Softbank Group’s network communication infrastructure, which encompasses mobile communications, data lines, and other elements.


We promote various solutions, such as the Softbank Group’s network communication infrastructure, which encompasses mobile communications, data lines, and other elements.

Consumer Business
We leverage the latest technologies in an effort to make all digital lives comfortable

With the aim of operating as one of the largest providers of IT and IoT products and services in Japan,​ we plan and design the most advanced IoT products, including smartphone accessories, IoT products and services, PC peripherals, and software.
We plan and develop on an in-house basis a wide variety of products mainly consisting of accessories for mobile devices, as well as IoT products and services, PC peripherals, and software.

Outline of Business

We handle and sell the largest number of items in Japan.

  • Over 77,000 items
  • Over 10,000 domestic shops
  • Over 204 million items shipped in total
  • Over 77,000 items
  • Over 10,000 domestic shops
  • Over 204 million items shipped in total
Business Segments
Mobile Accessory

Mobile Accessory
(Manufacturing Business)

We offer SoftBank SELECTION, a total smartphone accessory brand, and GLIDiC, a brand of audio products for mobile devices.

Mobile Accessory
(Manufacturing Business)

We offer SoftBank SELECTION, a total smartphone accessory brand, and GLIDiC, a brand of audio products for mobile devices.

IoT products service​

Smart products​

We supply advanced IoT products and services that make life easier and more convenient, such as trackers, healthcare devices, and household robotic vacuum cleaners.

Smart products

We supply advanced IoT products and services that make life easier and more convenient, such as trackers, healthcare devices, and household robotic vacuum cleaners.



We handle advanced smartphones, computer devices, peripheral devices, and accessories from leading manufacturers in Japan and overseas.


We handle advanced smartphones, computer devices, peripheral devices, and accessories from leading manufacturers in Japan and overseas.



Through our nationwide sales network, we provide a variety of software and service required for the Internet environment in various forms.


Through our nationwide sales network, we provide a variety of software and service required for the Internet environment in various forms.

Other businesses
Creating new value and jointly developing digital operations with clients

As the emergence of new technologies redefines industries and dramatically changes the way we work and our consumption behavior, we will support efforts to achieve digital transformation in terms of the transformation of operations into rational operations for which data and digital elements are combined.

Business Segments
Fintech Business

Fintech Business

We promote cashless payment to help shop management and consumer convenience. Our own data bring opportunity for creating new business and new value to shops, consumers and service providers.

Fintech Business

We promote cashless payment to help shop management and consumer convenience. Our own data bring opportunity for creating new business and new value to shops, consumers and service providers.

IoT Solutions

IoT Solutions

We provide solutions that visualize environmental effect and achive business improvement with the combination of the latest IoT devices and communication technologies to solve various problems faced by companies.

IoT Solutions

We provide solutions that visualize environmental effect and achive business improvement with the combination of the latest IoT devices and communication technologies to solve various problems faced by companies.



We support our customers in the field of “purchasing.” Our cloud system helps optimization of purchasing cost and realization of Digital Transformation. We also provide services which meet our customers’ needs such as consulting and BPO.


We support our customers in the field of “purchasing.” Our cloud system helps optimization of purchasing cost and realization of Digital Transformation. We also provide services which meet our customers’ needs such as consulting and BPO.